July 13, 2016
Some people say “Opportunity comes knocking once or twice in a lifetime.” Well, that’s not actually true in my experience. So many times we’re in these situations when an opportunity comes across our desk or we’ll have a chance to connect with someone… or something will literally be staring us in the face. So many times we question the opportunity. So many times we have to think about it. And so many times we miss it. This is what I’ve learned about opportunity: it does comes knocking. And it actually comes knocking more times than most people would like to admit.. What I’ve experienced is that opportunity is literally in front of your face on a regular daily basis…over and over and over again. Opportunity comes in all shapes and sizes. There’s no telling how many opportunities we’ve missed that could have dramatically changed the course of our lives and company fortunes.
Often it comes in the most camouflaged ways and you miss it because you’re looking for the big mountain instead of the small molehill that will turn into a mountain. Every tree started with a seed that was planted in the ground. And sometimes the opportunity is not big and bright and shiny. Sometimes it’s camouflaged but with some thinking and effort it shows itself off. Sometimes it’s camouflaged as a person within your industry, like a media rep or someone whose name you came across in a trade journal. But rather than reach out to them, you say “it’s more important to do this” or “what would this person think?” So my message is to pay attention to opportunity that’s in front of you all the time. Opportunity is abundant when you keep your eyes open and some of the biggest opportunities come disguised so being mindful and aware is critical in order not to miss out.
There are stories after stories of people who in their daily lives have seen or experienced something that made them think in ways they hadn’t before. Whether it’s how the first ATM machine was developed when a gentleman short on cash walked by a vending machine for chocolate bars and thought “why couldn’t machines like this dispense cash?” Or the case of a man and his dog returning home from a walk through the woods covered in cockleburs…you know, those little tiny burs that attach themselves to clothes and pet fur. After some thought and experimentation, he received the patent for his invention: Velcro®. Or when you or your marketing team capitalized on a customer’s need or desire and created a new marketing programs that allowed customers to see how your product helped solve that need for them. And they did it before your competitors even knew what hit em’. To be successful we need to understand as much as possible and constantly be adapting to a changing world.
Can you look back and say you’ve seized every opportunity that you’ve seen? Is it that you missed the opportunities altogether or that you knew they were there, but couldn’t take advantage of them at the moment? We all are in the same boat in that regard but either way, the result is the same…that ship sailed.
So, why do some people and companies see opportunities to market their products and services when so many others don’t? Here are a few reasons to consider as they apply to your business:
So, when opportunities come knocking, and they do every day, help yourself and your company by having the right mindset to open the door and welcome them in.
Rolf Gutknecht is vice president, director of account services for LA ads. To discuss your thoughts with Rolf on this blog or any marketing matters, email via this link, or visit www.LAadsMarketing.com. You can also connect with Rolf on LinkedIn.
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Tags: Advertising, LA ads, Marketing, Marketing Plan, Messages, Rolf Gutknecht, Sales & Marketing, Strategy, Tactics