September 10, 2016
Fulfillment isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be, especially in business. Consider a conversation I had today with one of our media reps that revealed why so many B2B ads aren’t just bland but simply bad. This was in response to why an ad appeared in their publication quite differently from what the advertiser expected. (We didn’t do this ad, so we’re off the hook!) When we asked the rep why the ad didn’t fit the space properly, and why the publication didn’t contact the advertiser to discuss the problem, the answer was they’re so used to getting poorly-designed ads, they’ve just come to accept what they’re sent without question.
How shocking this answer was to us! And yet, it so perfectly identifies the state of things across many of the industries in which we work.
The real problem is that in the last several decades, the role of marketing has been relegated to fulfilling. In other words, it seems the task these days is to “get the ad into the pub,” and not worry about whether the ad is great and shifts the attention of the audience. Advertisements, websites, collateral and all other marketing communications are less effective today it seems because they’re just space-fillers. The media plan says they have to be there. So the result is lots of media space or air time taken up with ad messages that aren’t merely forgettable but are also not produced or placed that well.
So it’s time for anyone who is responsible for advertising and marketing to look in the mirror and ask, “Am I a fulfiller or a marketer? Is marketing a task to be checked off on my list of the day’s activities or do I delight in the prospect of arriving at a plan so smart and unexpected, it makes me giggle?” Fulfillment is great in the abstract, but a killer in business.
I’ve often said that marketing is a self-fulfilling prophesy: if you believe it works, you’ll invest yourself and your resources into it fully and – Voilà!- it works; or if you doubt its effectiveness, you’ll put in the minimal efforts (in other words, simply fulfill the order) without great enthusiasm and you’ll also be proven right.
Every piece of communication from your desktop is an opportunity to invigorate sales and renew a conversation with your customer…if you believe it will.
It means, in some cases, looking at the internal team who are engaged in your marketing. Are they people who majored in advertising and marketing in school, and are they still “students” of it today? Or did they move across from the HR or accounting department because nobody else wanted the job? Are they fully invested employing great marketing to grow your operation, or are they also juggling bookkeeping, sales, IT and family services all at the same time? Are you taking full advantage of outside resources who aren’t just design shops and web programmers but genuine marketing specialists, who will challenge and surprise you and are willing to own up to the results?
In other words, at the bottom line, is marketing a joy…or is it a job?
Think carefully about how you answer this. Because your company’s success hangs in the balance.
Rolf Gutknecht is vice president, director of account services for LA ads. To discuss your thoughts with Rolf on this blog or any marketing matters, email via this link, or visit You can also connect with Rolf on LinkedIn.
August 24, 2016
Just the other day my daughter told me that Facebook let her know that 6 years ago we brought home our German and Australian Shepherd mix whom we named Sadie. While I wasn’t sure we needed another dog at the time, I’m sure glad we decided to do so as Sadie’s been a wonderful dog. I mean, wonderful! So, where’s all this going? Stay with me.
In the beginning, we were called by a dog rescue association we had connected with. They said they were getting a few dogs within a couple of days and, based on our interest in the Australian Shepherd breed, we might be very interested. So on that day we went, and while we were playing with the dogs, it became clear that this little one was an “A-personality” pup, full of energy and a little headstrong. When I told my family that she was the one I wanted, they asked why. I told them that I wanted a dog that was going to give me a bit of a run for my money and based on what I saw of her, my thinking was that she’d be the smartest, healthiest and probably the most rascally of the bunch. In this case, I was right and I’m glad I went with Sadie versus some of the other dogs who were more on the passive “follow you all around the house” side. With all that as the backdrop, there’s a lesson here about developing effective, sales-producing marketing campaigns. I told you we were going to get there.
- As we look at the full assortment of marketing techniques and media from which to choose (we only have so much time, money and resources so we can’t do everything), should we automatically select the tactics “everyone” is choosing? I mean, not all social media platforms work for all businesses. Running ads in trade pubs isn’t the right thing for a number of companies… especially in today’s economy. And so on. Going along with the crowd or doing what your competitor is doing is no way to create enough difference in the mind of the consumer to make them say “Hey, I like what they’re doing. I like the way they think.”
- Is the seemingly smoothest short-term path necessarily the best longer-term strategy? I think we all understand that generating sales now, as well as priming the pump for future sales, is what our focus should be. That said, instituting one tactic after another, in lieu of an overall strategy is, well, short-sighted. Even the most apparently brilliant tactic can have an upsetting effect on a business strategy. Have you thought through the “down-the-road” potential consequences of the path you’ve chosen? For example, about 15 years ago, during the Christmas shopping season, Jos. A. Banks, a men’s clothing store, started running promotions like “Buy 1 shirt, get 2 Free.” Or “Buy 1 suit at regular price and we’ll give you 2 suit jackets, 2 ties, and 1 sweater for Free.” Crazy! As a result, people packed the stores, and sales soared. But because they’ve become known for these over-the-top sales promotions, their stores are pretty much empty during non-sale periods. The successful short term tactic of driving sales with unbelievable promotions has gotten them a reputation of the store to visit only during their big sales events – but not at other times.
- Regardless of the tactic or path we take in business or in marketing, there’s always going to be a commitment of time and resources to get the project funded and finished. So, knowing that, are we better off putting more time and work at the front-end – where serious discussion, planning and thought take place – or speed ahead following the templates and guides that the “marketing experts” advise you do?
So with all that in mind, let’s go back to my experience in picking Sadie:
When you design your business and marketing strategy, will you go with the easy way – following what others are doing – picking the dog most others would – or do you challenge yourself to go beyond the accepted norms, to think for yourself, to dare to be different, to self-define the limits of what is possible? History has shown the most successful companies have chosen the puppy who doesn’t act like the others.
Rolf Gutknecht is vice president, director of account services for LA ads. To discuss your thoughts with Rolf on this blog or any marketing matters, email via this link, or visit You can also connect with Rolf on LinkedIn.
August 10, 2016
Oh, the world of numbers. To those involved in Marketing, it goes with the territory. We look at the marketplace and how many prospective customers there might be. We slice and dice demographic information and analyze demographic trends. We do quantitative market research. We fixate on how many likes, follows, shares, retweets, etc. have occurred. And we’re not finished yet as new and more “effective” metrics are constantly being developed. While tracking marketing numbers isn’t like keeping up with the stats of, say, baseball, for many marketers, numbers are almost everything. And for some, they are everything.
Now, I’m pretty good at math. So, numbers don’t give me cold sweats, but truth be told, when it comes to marketing, I’m not a Big Data guy at all. I’m not one to get all caught up in the numbers game. The reason being that while I’m an “account guy,” I understand what really good creative, execution and integration will do toward driving sales compared to run-of-the-mill stuff. On more than one occasion, our agency has spoken with prospective clients who tell us how their marketing metrics are sucking wind. Our first response is: “Let’s look at the creative you’re running and what it’s saying.” When it’s shown to us, there’s little doubt what is creating the angst.
For my liking, there are far too many marketers that rely heavily on numbers to drive the marketing decisions. Everything has to have a value and must be measured. A former boss of mine who came from a LARGE national company once said to me after meeting with a “numbers marketer” that marketing is not a paint-by-numbers game where if you follow the color assignments and stay within the lines, the end result would be a beautiful painting. Viola! Instant success…without expending much thought, energy or creativity. And, that’s what I fear is what is happening to marketing.
From where I sit, you can see when this takes place. Look at a TV commercial, or radio spot, or tradeshow booth, or go online. There seems to be more and more marketers who are buying into templates, guides and models. It’s as if the marketplace is just a large paint canvas fractured into tiny parts, which, if you paint each activity with the right color and stay within the lines, you’ll have a winning marketing program. Not so! What I believe happens more times than not is that you don’t end up with a masterpiece but rather a painting of dogs sitting around the table playing poker…you know the one.
For a marketing program to be as clever, contemporary, and inviting enough to gain your audience’s attention, it requires meaningful thought, understanding, listening and… creativity. Uniqueness. Unfortunately, creativity and emotion are often scrubbed clean (and out of the picture) much to the happiness of many marketers who rely merely on data.
Yet some brands manage to break-away from the status quo and attain results. These brands — and those people who oversee them — combine experience and talent with a commitment to being fearless.
And then other brands try to find equal results by copying them. Remember “Got Milk”? Soon after, we saw “Got Plumber” and “Got Rice” and “Got …whatever” In the case of our agency, we developed a marketing program for a client that used a weeping angel statue (like you find in cemeteries) to demonstrate how one would feel using the wrong type of business software. Hardly a few months after, a direct competitor used strikingly similar imagery and messaging. Really?!? I guess imitating was their template to seeing better results rather than trying to come up with something original themselves. They (the competitor) were trying to paint-by-numbers into a template not of their own making.
So what are the takeaways from all of this:
• Having metrics drive all your marketing decisions, void of smart, clever, on-point messaging that resonates with your audience, is a road with a dead-end. Which is probably not what you really want.
• Templates and “how to” guides do not lend themselves to creativity.
• If you are responsible for marketing, it is your job to think differently. Painting by the numbers and staying within the lines won’t yield profits.
• BONUS: “The truth isn’t the truth until people believe you, and they can’t believe you if they don’t know what you’re saying, and they can’t know what you’re saying if they don’t listen to you, and they won’t listen to you if you’re not interesting, and you won’t be interesting until you say and do things imaginatively, originally, freshly.” – Bill Bernbach
In the end, while numbers and data help marketers define the market and opportunities that present themselves, as well as quantifying the buyer’s journey, remember that lasting relationships and brand loyalty are the result of original thinking.
Rolf Gutknecht is vice president, director of account services for LA ads. To discuss your thoughts with Rolf on this blog or any marketing matters, email via this link, or visit You can also connect with Rolf on LinkedIn.
July 13, 2016
Some people say “Opportunity comes knocking once or twice in a lifetime.” Well, that’s not actually true in my experience. So many times we’re in these situations when an opportunity comes across our desk or we’ll have a chance to connect with someone… or something will literally be staring us in the face. So many times we question the opportunity. So many times we have to think about it. And so many times we miss it. This is what I’ve learned about opportunity: it does comes knocking. And it actually comes knocking more times than most people would like to admit.. What I’ve experienced is that opportunity is literally in front of your face on a regular daily basis…over and over and over again. Opportunity comes in all shapes and sizes. There’s no telling how many opportunities we’ve missed that could have dramatically changed the course of our lives and company fortunes.
Often it comes in the most camouflaged ways and you miss it because you’re looking for the big mountain instead of the small molehill that will turn into a mountain. Every tree started with a seed that was planted in the ground. And sometimes the opportunity is not big and bright and shiny. Sometimes it’s camouflaged but with some thinking and effort it shows itself off. Sometimes it’s camouflaged as a person within your industry, like a media rep or someone whose name you came across in a trade journal. But rather than reach out to them, you say “it’s more important to do this” or “what would this person think?” So my message is to pay attention to opportunity that’s in front of you all the time. Opportunity is abundant when you keep your eyes open and some of the biggest opportunities come disguised so being mindful and aware is critical in order not to miss out.
There are stories after stories of people who in their daily lives have seen or experienced something that made them think in ways they hadn’t before. Whether it’s how the first ATM machine was developed when a gentleman short on cash walked by a vending machine for chocolate bars and thought “why couldn’t machines like this dispense cash?” Or the case of a man and his dog returning home from a walk through the woods covered in cockleburs…you know, those little tiny burs that attach themselves to clothes and pet fur. After some thought and experimentation, he received the patent for his invention: Velcro®. Or when you or your marketing team capitalized on a customer’s need or desire and created a new marketing programs that allowed customers to see how your product helped solve that need for them. And they did it before your competitors even knew what hit em’. To be successful we need to understand as much as possible and constantly be adapting to a changing world.
Can you look back and say you’ve seized every opportunity that you’ve seen? Is it that you missed the opportunities altogether or that you knew they were there, but couldn’t take advantage of them at the moment? We all are in the same boat in that regard but either way, the result is the same…that ship sailed.
So, why do some people and companies see opportunities to market their products and services when so many others don’t? Here are a few reasons to consider as they apply to your business:
- Some organizations encourage people to be open to possibilities. They want people to “live in the moment.” It’s about having an open mind and being curious. Thinking about how successful marketing programs in other industries could be adapted for your business. Every industry has them, and they’re out there for the picking.
- Opportunities are sometimes born out of setbacks. Unfortunately, rather than see the setback as a learning experience and an opportunity to create something new and improved, the sting of disappointment lingers and higher-ups only point fingers rather than open new doors.
- Management procrastinates and hesitates until the window of opportunity closes. They don’t grab hold before the opportunity’s gone. It could be a wonderful co-branded marketing program or a sponsorship at a trade event or an opportunity to provide content to a media outlet where many prospects and customers will be able to read your thoughts. But overthinking or not being ready to pull the trigger happens and “poof”… gone! Only to find out that a competitor has jumped on that very same opportunity your company passed on.
- Not all opportunities are created equal. As the quote goes: “…it’s sometimes dressed up as work.” Which for some businesses means that’s more than they want to invest in. Last I looked, a great opportunity hasn’t dropped in too many laps where no effort was required. It’s about hunting the opportunity down. And about being willing to build up a sweat to work it.
- Follow through. Not being distracted with fleeting doubts and other surprises that pop up. It’s about doing the work that’s needed…till the end. How many times have you seen a marketing program put together that looks good and performs like it should…but ends too soon or not all the tasks are completed? Leads not passed on; sales people not given all they need to tie up the business; etc.? The follow-through and follow-up process lays an egg and internal people – and more importantly customers and prospects – are left with a sour taste.
So, when opportunities come knocking, and they do every day, help yourself and your company by having the right mindset to open the door and welcome them in.
Rolf Gutknecht is vice president, director of account services for LA ads. To discuss your thoughts with Rolf on this blog or any marketing matters, email via this link, or visit You can also connect with Rolf on LinkedIn.
June 14, 2016

Here’s something that I hear from business and marketing executives and, each time, I shake my head in disbelieve. Those words are “My customers aren’t asking for it.” Six words that are one of biggest marketing traps and why some organizations stop growing and lose customers to forward-thinking competitors. In 1967, no customer said “You know what. I wish some company would make a machine that uses microwaves to cook food faster!”…yet the microwave oven was developed. Or said in 2003, “Why can’t a company invent a magazine-sized device to surf the web?”…yet the iPad and other tablets are now the rage. And that’s the case the with the majority of new products, especially those that can help differentiate a business from competitors. Customers, meaning 99.999% of people, are not thinking like product developers, but that doesn’t for a nanosecond mean that when presented with a “WOW” product they won’t want it, tell their family and friends and their social media circles that they should get it as well.
“My customer isn’t asking for it” in essence says that your organization is one built on the idea that only after a number of customers come in asking for it, will you decide to create, utilize or stock the whatever-it-is. Which more times than not is after your competitors are already doing it. We would agree that’s not how an organization should act if the object is to grow. And one of the tenets of growing means that you are leading customers. You’re bringing new ideas and solutions to them that either enriches their lives or drives future sales to your business or has them see you in a different light. “My customer isn’t asking for it” also suggests that the organization is a follower, a “me-too” and not an organization that people think of when they’re looking at viable alternatives, that wonders why customers aren’t doing business with them as they did many years ago.
“My customer isn’t asking for it” defines your organization on so many levels both to your internal staff as well as to the outside world. It speaks to how you view what customer service means; how you want your brand to be defined and compared to competitors; whether you’re seen as a progressive leader or a reactive follower in your industry or marketplace; if you’re a company that embraces new ideas or is the epitome of the status quo.
“A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” — Steve Jobs
So, was Steve Job’s right?
Well there’s certainly a number of organizations that say he isn’t. A lot of firms wouldn’t feel comfortable pressing forward with a new product offering or service feature without doing significant customer research to determine all aspects of consumer interest, purchase intent, etc. Think about the expenses, the manpower allocation, the buy-in from internal resources; and so on. Yes, there is much at stake. Any innovative company struggles with how much to listen to customers.
That said, there are many respected professionals who would say that, yes, he was right. There are hundreds and thousands of new products each year that find overwhelming customer acceptance with little or no consumer research being done. These companies are successful because they push boundaries and do the unexpected. They’re about anticipation, instinct, insights—and, ultimately, curiosity and experience. Going back to Apple, if customers were asked how they’d like to improve the music listening experience back in a day where CD players ruled, they likely couldn’t have envisioned the iPod.
Consumers can’t think in abstractions. They cannot envision a new concept. They can only compare against their current frame of reference. When you rely on consumer input, it is inevitable that they will tell you to do what other popular companies are doing. So you need to make the big leap for them. You need to provide them with a reason to buy, a reason to brag to their friends. Expect the “new-to-the-world” ideas to fall on deaf ears. Consumers will, however, change their tune when they can see, touch, and explore. So, do customers really know what they want?
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” –Henry Ford
To avoid stepping in the “My customer isn’t asking for it” business trap, here are a few things to give thought to as you move forward:
- Start with understanding your customer better than you now do. Whenever our firm calls customers of our clients to gain insight about why they purchased a particular product or service and we then share it with our clients, I can tell you that in each and every instance, the client has said something along the lines of “Really, they said that?” Or, “I would never have guessed that’s why…” Or, “This is going to cause us to change how we do business.” Every. Single. Time.
- Successful, market-leading businesses hold a vision for their customers. These businesses use their unique insight into their customers’ day-to-day lives to see what tomorrow will look like and create the solutions that meet them at tomorrow and beyond. They understand that the customer is always changing. You have the opportunity to serve them as they change – or you can take a narrow-minded perspective and only sell to them that which you already have to sell.
- Understanding the business that you’re really in helps you to see what kind of products and services your customer would be receptive too, or even crazy about, beyond your current product and service offerings.
- Think about the sort of offerings that could have your customers react to emotionally.
- Seeing your current and prospective customers as people who desire new products and services… the kind that others aren’t offering, means that you see your company as a never being just part of the herd.
So maybe the next time the words “my customer isn’t asking for it” cross your lips, regroup and think for a moment what that might say about you and your organization. And then think about what if the competitor down the street said, “Hmm. That’s an interesting product. Let’s see if we can make something new happen for our customers. They might just love it!”
Rolf Gutknecht is vice president, director of account services for LA ads. To discuss your thoughts with Rolf on this blog or any marketing matters, email via this link, or visit You can also connect with Rolf on LinkedIn.
June 1, 2016
When you write a Facebook post, what are you thinking about at that moment? Are you thinking, “I want my readers to know this!”? Are you thinking, “We need to increase our call volume!”? Or possibly, “We need more Facebook Likes!”?
Or are you thinking, “Why have my followers chosen to Like me?” How about, “What are they interested in to which I can contribute?” “What will they share with their friends?”
The first set of questions are just about you and your business. The second set of questions puts the readers’ interests first. That’s the way to win over their hearts and minds (and business), certainly far better than the first set.
We call this “Outside-In” thinking, looking at your business from the outside-in. Unfortunately, too many marketers suffer from “Inside-Out” thinking, seeing things only from the inside, assuming that everybody is as excited about their business as they are.
The reasons you want to communicate with your prospects and customers are certainly going to be motivated by your business objectives. But what you say to them and how you say it has to come from what motivates them. For all your marketing communications, be it posts, tweets, blasts, banners, commercials or exhibit booths, you have to use your audience’s self-interest as your starting point. Merely posting about your new business/manufacturing facilities or listing a series of feature-based bullet points is not going to be appealing to their self-interest. (Would it be to yours if it came from, say, the local muffler store, especially if your car’s running smoothly?)
So what does your audience want to know? What excites and interests them? What’s good enough for them to share or pass along or even simply pay attention to? You need to ask that question with every marketing communication you generate.
This is one of the reasons we use a lot of humor or emotions in our own clients’ marketing, because good communication starts with human interest. Anything that makes a person laugh, smile, cry, wince or raise their eyebrows touches deeper human levels and transcends purely rational thinking.
Sponsoring contests, especially if they’re relevant to your message and brand – especially if the prize is big or unique – always has audience-appeal. Showing how your product or service solves your customers’ problems, eases their pain, saves them money or eliminates inconvenience, all speak to their self-interest.
Think of it this way, when you go fishing, what do you put on the hook: what you like or what the fish likes? It’s the same thing in marketing. Make sure the bait is what they like. You’ll like what happens next.
Dan Katz is president, creative director of LA ads. To discuss your thoughts with Dan on this blog or any marketing matters, email via this link, or visit You can also connect with Dan on LinkedIn. See agency work via this link.
April 27, 2016

If you’ve ever watched a sporting event, you or someone else with you probably have said “they’re not trying to win…they’re just trying not to lose.” For me, there’s almost nothing more frustrating than seeing this approach take place, especially since it doesn’t need to be that way to succeed. And so is the case with oh-so-many companies who say one thing (i.e. we’re here to win) but act entirely differently. If you’ve spent any time in business meetings, from small companies to Fortune 100 as I have, you’ve heard gems like: “We’re not quite ready to take that step yet,” or “I just don’t know,” (reeking of indecisiveness) or my favorite “Let’s not go there just yet.” In short, these are all about the safe bet and not having the courage to step out and be different.
Speaking from experience, these verbal roadblocks are generally erected by people who have no involvement in the sales or marketing of the company. People who haven’t actually spoken to someone at the street-level (branch, store, dealership, etc.) in forever, and so what they “know” comes from what others may have told them or what they unfoundedly believe without any support. These folks aren’t in the business of finding and pursuing new growth opportunities. Instead they’re the “glass half empty types.”
What I don’t get is how CMO’s and other executives in the marketing department allow the idea of “playing it safe” to become part of how the company does business. Playing it safe means trying to figure out how to please all the people all of the time (and protect one’s own butt in the process). It’s what happened to companies we once knew as solid brands and money makers…Radio Shack, Borders, and others. They became complacent with disregard (maybe arrogance) to the changing marketplace. From office politics (i.e., give the boss what he wants) to running the same ad month after month after month. Wearing the clothing of “play it safe” doesn’t lead to standing out in a crowd. Nope, it’s more like being part of the herd. You’ve heard the old saying: “safe bets never bring in the big money.” You see it in Las Vegas. When the odds are low, there’s not much money to be made. When the odds are high…well, that’s when the payout is high. In business, it’s pretty much the same. If you play it safe you’ll probably make some money; but it’s those who are willing to venture out where the naysayers can’t be found who are more likely to come out on top again and again.
Let’s be clear, I’m not at all advocating throwing smarts and due diligence out the window. We’ve seen dumb risky moves played out day after day, from reckless over-expansion in a turbulent marketplace to not taking cover in a tornado and finding that person a county over. What we don’t see are news headlines that say, “Astonishingly risk-adverse solar panel company on verge of collapse.” Or, “Stunningly conservative business approach pushes technology company to the brink of failure.” Or “Manager retires after a run-of-the-mill career and regrets never having pushed the envelope to see what was possible.” The dangers of playing it safe aren’t immediate, evident, and spectacular. They’re not headline makers. They develop slowly over time and are almost impossible to pinpoint. This makes them more dangerous than the prominent screw-ups that get written about because they’re like a nail in a tire that causes a slow leak and you don’t readily notice it as you go about your business on a daily basis. You only come to realize what’s going on when stuck and you’re not really sure how it happened. The dangers of playing it safe are hidden, silent killers.
I’m convinced that too many people put too much energy into playing it safe. There’s a fear that they might do something that everyone won’t like and as a result they’ll possibly lose customers (when instead they should be putting as more energy into getting more customers). I get it…playing it safe, while dangerous in the long term, just feels better in the short term. And so people naturally gravitate towards playing it safe. But I’m here to tell you that’s wrong because it leads to boring marketing and, last I checked, boring leads to ignoring.
The reason boring is something you company should avoid like the plague is because you don’t see the underlying harm it causes. You never see the customers who don’t show up. You have no idea of the business that you’re not getting because your marketing isn’t memorable or passed along person-to-person. It’s not fascinating or captivating. Now it’s easy to convince yourself or others throughout the organization that the problem is there’s too much competition, or that prospects are focusing on something else or that people have a short attention span. And while maybe some of that is true, it’s just easier to point the finger at others or other reasons to explain the lack of success you’re having. So you see, playing it safe doesn’t keep you safe, and in fact, it’s the riskiest thing you can do.
I’ll leave you with a quote by the advertising legend, Bill Bernbach, who said: “The truth isn’t the truth until people believe you, and they can’t believe you if they don’t know what you’re saying, and they can’t know what you’re saying if they don’t listen to you, and they won’t listen to you if you’re not interesting, and you won’t be interesting until you say and do things imaginatively, originally, freshly.” To bring this home a bit more, insert that name of your company each time you come to the word “you.”
C’mon, life’s just too short to settle for “blah.” .
Rolf Gutknecht is vice president, director of account services for LA ads. To discuss your thoughts with Rolf on this blog or any marketing matters, email via this link, or visit You can also connect with Rolf on LinkedIn.
April 5, 2016
One of the most challenging efforts in marketing is having any sense of whether or not a new campaign will work before it’s launched.
Even with the most scientific eye-movement copy-testing, focus group testing, or man-on-the-street intercepts, you never really know until the campaign hits. Besides which, few marketers have the luxury of affording this kind of advanced reconnaissance.
So instead, what often happens is a proposed ad or website or commercial is passed along to others in the office and the matter is settled with a thumbs-up or thumbs-down by the aggregate. Which isn’t much better in the end than tossing it into the wind and seeing where that takes it. It could be nixed by the boss’s wife because she doesn’t like the color of the sweater worn by the model, or approved by the CEO because his son came up with the logo.
I propose an entirely new (albeit equally unscientific) way to evaluate a campaign before it launches that could serve your marketing efforts quite well. And it costs you nothing!
It’s to imagine the launch of your new campaign and think about it through your competitors’ eye. Ask yourself, will my competitors hate our new campaign? Will one of their staff tear out the ad, run down the hall to his or her boss and say, “have you seen what these guys are running!”
Yep, simple as that.
If you can imagine that they’ll react with surprise and upset, you’ve got a potential winner on your hands. If, on the other hand, you envision their merely noticing your new message and then moving on to other matters, it’s unlikely your sales needle will be jarred very much. When we create a new campaign, our unwritten goal is to create advertising the client’s competitors will hate.
I’ve had the joyful experience more than once of speaking with a client’s competitor who didn’t know we did the very campaign they railed against, complaining that it was hurting their business. Oh, the indescribable thrill of hearing them groan!
A variation on that theme is to imagine how you’d feel if the competition, rather than you, ran the marketing campaign you’re now considering. When we recently presented a series of billboard concepts to the client, they seemed undecided on which concept to choose. But the moment we asked them which one they hoped their competitors wouldn’t run, the answer was swift: “That one!”
Being able to step outside of your own shoes brings with it the objectivity you need to consider the good, the bad and the ugly in your own marketing activities. But personally, I like adding to that the gamesmanship of competition – doing what will tick off the other guys – for that means it has a sharper edge on which to carve out more business for yourself.
In any case, I’m sure you’d rather develop marketing your competitors will hate than to hate the marketing they’re aiming at your customers. Right?
Rolf Gutknecht is vice president, director of account services for LA ads. To discuss your thoughts with Rolf on this blog or any marketing matters, email via this link, or visit You can also connect with Rolf on LinkedIn.
March 23, 2016

Like so many of us living in drought-ridden Southern California, my wife and I are looking to modify our home landscaping to soak up less water. Some of my neighbors have simply ripped out their entire lawns and replaced them with gravel rock and cactus. That’s the cheap way out and it doesn’t beautify their homes one bit. Wanting to take a more aesthetic path, we called in two different landscape companies to quote on how they’d create a drought-resistant yard that still complements our house and neighborhood.
I had no idea what a good job might cost so we simply asked each company what they would do and what they’d charge for doing it.
The first quote came in from a company that did beautiful work and the owner really “got” what we wanted. His quote was seventeen grand! Eeyikes! The second company came in at only eleven thousand, much more palatable, but I wasn’t as convinced about the artistry of their work. I asked the first company how they could bring down their bid and the contractor said he could take this out and that out and it would reduce the bottom line some, but now I wasn’t getting what I wanted.
Given the initial six thousand dollar spread, my wife said it was a no-brainer: we should accept the lower bid…and I almost agreed. Then it hit me. I called up the first company again, the one I really wanted, and this time asked rather than bring down the initial bid, what could they do if I said create something wonderful for eleven thousand dollars? This approach surprised the landscaper and he loved the challenge. And needless to say, he came back with an entirely different design that was also wonderful while at the same time met our budget.
I realized that this is what happens to our agency all the time. We get approached by a prospective client and are asked what it costs to work with us and develop a year’s marketing program. If the prospective client hasn’t provided us a budget to start with, which is often the case, the moment we throw any number at them, they get sticker shock and that’s the end of the conversation. What a shame. What usually happens after that is the company either takes some kind of budget approach and gets a poor outcome, or doesn’t make any change whatsoever and suffers all the more for it.
Why not do what I did with the landscapers? Start by singling out the best talent possible and then, either on your own or together, arrive at a total budget that’s just below your pain threshold, one you can live with, and let the agency help you get the most bang for your buck. Then you have the best of both worlds, the top talent and a budget to do the most effective job possible.
Taking the lowest bid or chiseling a good bid from the top only cuts down on possibilities. Starting with a fixed amount and asking a supplier what’s the most you can get from it puts everybody in a creative mode, exactly where they all should be.
Whether you’re hiring a marketing agency, a freelance writer, a filmmaker or an engineering company, hiring based on talent, and budgeting based on your pain threshold (that only you alone can determine) will yield superior results.
In the meantime, I’m still praying for rain…
Dan Katz is president, creative director of LA ads. To discuss your thoughts with Dan on this blog or any marketing matters, email via this link, or visit You can also connect with Dan on LinkedIn. See agency work via this link.
March 9, 2016

This past week I had a phone conversation with a new business prospect and during our talk he kept saying “we’re just better than our competition.” After saying this about the 3rd or 4th time, I asked him what he meant. He then rattled off these next 4 points like he was just waiting for me to ask: better service, better features, better product, and the infamous…better price. Then I asked him the question that took the wind out of our discussion: OK, but how is what your business offers meaningfully different from the competition? After stammering for a bit and then saying the same thing 2 or 3 times (but saying nothing in the process) he let me know that he forgot about a meeting he had in just a few minutes and with that we hung up.
So, while this business owner couldn’t answer the question, I’m guessing you could. So, how is your company meaningfully different from competitors? Are you sure? According to the Harvard Business School, 99% of executives think their business is different from its competitors. Unfortunately, most customers can’t tell the difference between your business’ offerings and those of similar businesses because they often won’t take the time to understand the subtle differences that make one company’s products or services better. In the process you’ve spent considerable money and resources on educating them on why your company is “better” when all they want to know is what you have to offer that the others don’t and how does it benefit the customer.
Instead of trying to be better, build a strategy around a simple way that your company is different, even distinctive, from the pack. Being different makes you irreplaceable to your customers, and being irreplaceable leads to greater loyalty. And yet, many businesses are afraid to be different because that means taking a risk and walking a different path. Making matters more difficult is the fact that when businesses ask for customer feedback, customers can tell you how they want you to improve, but they can’t tell you how to be different.
You see “Better is not better; Different is better” and here’s why. Aside from being difficult to prove, being the best is largely subjective. Would you say a pair of Nike shoes is better than Adidas? Perhaps to you but the other person may not think so. Second, being different gets you noticed, and in our ever-crowded marketplace, being noticed is the all-important first step for standing out from the competition. What’s more, being different creates marketing advantages that “being better” just cannot compete with.
With business ever-changing, it’s critical that growth-oriented companies think differently not only in terms of the products that are developed for the various customer segments but also how they go about marketing those in ways that captivate the attention of the customer. People want interesting products and they want them marketed in interesting ways. You see, it’s not about being better or the best. It’s about finding a way to take who you are, what you make or what you offer and create a relationship with prospects and current customers that they find instantly fascinating.
Think of it like this. Imagine that on the other side of the door from where you are is where relationships happen, loyalty happens, sales happen, and profits happen. That is the side of the door where your prospective customers are. But get through the door, you have to knock. And if you can knock in a compelling, persuasive and interesting way and introduce yourselves, and if you provide people with messaging and content that is instantly captivating, then they will open the door and you get to go through to the side where all the good stuff lives. Ask yourself why it is that you remember certain brands or specific marketing messages from various companies …maybe even your competitors. It’s not because they look or sound like every other company. Not a chance. You remember them because they had a strong brand and distinctive message. Captivating one’s attention is the shortcut to persuasion and selling more. And in a competitive environment, the most fascinating option ALWAYS wins. Always.
So here are three ways that your company can start setting themselves apart from competitors:
- Adopt the idea of marching to your own drummer. Don’t be afraid to do something that people within your company, and even a few of your customers, may not initially like. Experience teaches that it’s OK to have some detractors. In fact, having a few critics is essential. The undeniable reality is that if you’re not eliciting a negative response from someone somewhere, then you’re probably not that fascinating to anyone. No one remembers lukewarm!
- Have an idea for how you will be different. Any idea can be a good one, even the crazy-sounding ones. Unfortunately, most ideas that are deemed crazy are often dismissed. If you want to be different, you need to embrace a culture where any idea can be tried. More on this at
- Don’t over-listen to customers. I think we would all agree that asking customers for feedback is always valuable. But you can’t let your customers drive every aspect of what you do. Take your own lead.
I’ll leave you with two questions to ask yourself to help start the process of being seen as different: what can we offer that’s REALLY different from what our competitors are doing? What are we doing just like our competitors that we can change for our customer’s benefit. Then set up your product or service in a way that delivers on those needs in a way that your competitors don’t or won’t.
That can make all the difference.
Rolf Gutknecht is vice president, director of account services for LA ads. To discuss your thoughts with Rolf on this blog or any marketing matters, email via this link, or visit You can also connect with Rolf on LinkedIn.